the lads

Staying in is the new Going out
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Author:  jimmy [ Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Staying in is the new Going out

Hmmm, well i tried to stay in, i really did, but there was nothing on TV, nothing good on DVD, so i went to kilkenny to have a beer with my much loved cousin, Rory, otherwise know as Coddle

So, Miller in boot of car, i set off, in a somewhat bad mood to be honest (Paul has suggested that it was maybe boredom, but i think i may have had a mini PMS attack, whatever..)

Got to rory's, went to his friends place, had a few beers, then made for Morrisons around 11:30 in the back of a VW Golf van, classy!!!

Anyway, met up with Kerri Grace and Kim and a few others!! Then we started the drinking game!! lots of fun had!!

Got into the Venue for free, and then into the VIP lounge, where the whisky came out, feckin powers no less, no Jameson left!!

Got to meet rory's missus the next morning, man is she hot, Rory, provide a picture to demonstrate how hot she is

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