the lads

Pints, In Calow, With my reputation...
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Author:  jimmy [ Fri Jan 20, 2006 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Pints, In Calow, With my reputation...

Went for pints last night, with he chief and a guy he knows. Interesting night. Got into the Tower for free, the guy was staying in the hotel, so he got us in. Sweet.

My Gentle Donkey Style Jesus Harold Christ, toight, the grandest of toightness, everywhere.

Not entirely sure what time i got home, but i then proceeded to ring everyone in autralia. Jay Joyce's wife has had their kid, Conor, bah, he was going to call him John Jo.

Thats about it. Have a 1.5 litre of water beside me, and a head like a bag of broken spanners.

Author:  Ninger [ Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

same again. yes please.

Author:  jimmy [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

And the same again was had on Friday night. Me, Ninger, and Kelly, ins an Barracks, admiring the toightness all around

And the same again for saturday night!! Grandest of toight everywhere, especially a lady paul was talking to, who he apparently knew from somewhere.

Unfortunately saturday night wasnt the best night out, ate before going out, so couldnt really get the edge off and teh bull out!!

Author:  Ninger [ Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

yep friday was good craic alright. may def pay d barracks another visit or 3 in d near future, good spot. was half expecting a mon phone call around 5o'clock on saturday from kelly boy but luckily it never came, spent sat tatooed 2d couch watching d munster match and monday nite raw. woooooo!!

Author:  DJ [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:44 am ]
Post subject: 

its now been 24 days since my last drink :?

Author:  Ninger [ Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

it's 3 days til ur next drink more like :lol:

Author:  DJ [ Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:09 am ]
Post subject: 

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :wink:

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