the lads

hervey bay and fraisier island (via rockhampton)
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Author:  Ninger [ Sat Aug 06, 2005 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  hervey bay and fraisier island (via rockhampton)

woohoo!! just back from frasier island now, some feckin crack.

before all that, rockhampton = zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. place has feck all, basically shuts down at midday on a saturday and doesn't wake up again til lunchtime on monday. add in going out of your head in agony with a wisdom tooth and it was a pretty unenjoyable place.

anyways, got to hervey bay and met up with jimmy and the lads here. this place is much more like it, has 10km of beach for starters. we went whale watching the first day we got here, was pretty cool, the whales were fairly energetic and came very close to the boat so we got a good look at all of them.

from there, me, joan, jimmy, jenny, ger, maudi, quinner, davey and seanin hired a 4wd and camping gear and headed for fraisier island. the place is amazing, white sand everywhere, really beautiful freshwater lakes to swim in and some nice weather. great craic belting around the beach ad the sand tracks in the 4wd, bouncing all over the shop.

throw in 10 crates of beer, 2litres of whiskey, 2litres of vodka, a few litres of wine and some graigue sponsored idiocy and you have one hell of a party!!

$250 of food + $400 of beer = caaaaaaaaaammmmmm on :twisted:

tis nice to be back on the mainland now and to be able to have a hot shower and food that don't come from a tin.

place is class and would recommend it to anyone.

heading to brisbane tomorrow for a day or two and from there we'll be flying onto sydney for the last leg of our oz ramblings 8)

Author:  jimmy [ Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:14 am ]
Post subject: 

All i can say is

"You want to shut your mouth"

ha ha ha, had a feckin brilliant time on fraser, excellent place, CAM ON DE BAULD QUINNERS, paul quinnn, an absolute maestro at the driving on sand, excellent.

We got to see one dingo, that was so bloody close to ninger and me we could have reached out and touched it.

Camping was excellent, drinkin the shit outta it and getting givin out to by locals!!! brilliant

Author:  Jen [ Wed Aug 10, 2005 3:11 am ]
Post subject: 

yeah the dingo was very funny, licking his lips while closing in on damian who was freaking out at (dan) ger "david atenboragh" coady coz he wouldnt let paul drive on until he got the perfect close up of the beautiful dingo!!! very funny clip on ger's camcorder of it!!!

turned 21 on the biggest desert island in the world hurray, had big bithday feast of burgers, beans, beans, and beans, washed down with a few litres of wine, and jimmy n paul even managed to round up a few other campers to give me 21kisses which was probably the most embarressing thing in my life coz they dragged me around to all the different tents n made fellas come up n kiss me, even a very confused french guy who just couldnt understand why he had to kiss a random stranger. jimmy gave me my 21kiss coz my lovely bren couldnt be there to do it, the quickest peck on cheek jimmy ever did but thanks!! 17 of us sat on the beach for the night drinking n singing the shit outta it, thanks to the cork guy with the guitar!!

terential rain that night which turned out to be very funny coz ger discovered he left his towel & runners outside his tent that night!!
loads more stories on the way!

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