the lads

Just doning what Jimmy "the creator" told us to do
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Author:  Dunner [ Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Just doning what Jimmy "the creator" told us to do

Alright lads, it Dunner here (Snr as in CiarĂ¡n not Cathal) just a post to say that I really enjoy visiting the ladzinoz and seeing what ye scallywags are getting up to!! Jim you're a very funny man, keep up the good work and remember, SAFETY FIRST. Oh yeah for excellent Billy Hoare footage check out RTEs gripping mini series of a few years ago called "All Human Life, Football and Dogs", also guest appearing was Michael Carey with the immortal line "We have beaten the Aritocrats of soccer". Cringworthy entertainment for all the family. Please ignore all the spelling mistakes as I couldn't be arsed to do a spellcheck. Oh yeah we are having a goodbye session for Carol and Greg on the 23rd of this month, so Beano we do a bit of pole dancing in Christys in your honour!!!

Good luck and fuck ya
Remember no matter where you go there you are.....

Author:  joanne [ Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  come coming

yea i get my sister back, go mental lads they'll be in some state leavin :cry:

Author:  jimmy [ Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

good on ya dunner, good to hear from you

Where are the rest of ya scallywaggs!!

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