the lads

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Author:  sean [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  aloha

hello from waterford everybody.
minty here looking around once again, hey jim, i have a couple more cracker chuck norris lines..
they go as follows.. chuck norris dosen't wear a watch, he decides what time it is!
chuck norris uses tobasco sauce as eye drops. chuck norris uses a stunt double to do his crying scenes! chuck can sneeze with his eyes open.
and finally, chuck norris CAN slam a revolving door!
yes 2006 looks like its gunna be a deadly year for big budget movies too.
we have x-men three coming out, superman returns for the tenth time, silent hill the movie which im looking forward to and the da vinci code. am i missing a few?? nothing much going going out in graig in a few weeks for the first time in ages.. anyone
feel like a session..since im missing paddy's day cos im working in the corporate bloodsucking entity formally known as dunnes stores! well see ya everybody. by the way have a look at and you might come across some incriminating photos of us during w.i.t rag week!

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