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 Post subject: Landed
PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:34 am 
Old Fart
Old Fart
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Joined: Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:54 pm
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Location: Limerick
wey hey, landed in cairns safe and sound, checked into the hostel and have the smell of airports and aeroplanes slept off me now were a bit all over the shop due to the london bombings we were l8 leaving shannon and had an extra four hours stop in heathrow as well. the gud news was we got first class seats on the flite to toyko,luv japan airlines i do, fully reclining seats, slept thru turblence and all. hostel is ok here in cairns, goin 2head out around the place for a while now and see wat the place is all about 8) anyone know the aus slang for a snack box, a spice burger and two pints of stella??

I'm not even supposed to be here today.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:28 am 
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Joined: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:43 pm
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hehe, a Stella is a Stella. Snackbox? and u'll be lucky if you can get a spice burger at all. Probly not. Sorry, have a kangaroo burger instead :twisted:

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:42 pm 
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Joined: Wed Mar 23, 2005 3:57 pm
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Me thinks you'll have to turn to your own surival skills and kill some chickens and make your own snack box :twisted:

'I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand.'"

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:28 pm 
Old Fart
Old Fart
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Joined: Mon Jul 26, 2004 4:54 pm
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Location: Limerick
night 1 was fairly cool in cairns, no snack boxes were found, however d biggest hotdogs i've ever seen were consumed at 3.30am instead. found plenty of stella here 2, it's d only lager i recognised.

we started out at a place called d wool shed, we get food vouchers from the hostel for dinner there. the free meal is like something you'd get in d ul restaurant but for a $4 upgrade you get a jumbo menu instead. forgot how good buritos are, mmmmmmmm. went for a ramble around then, they've a man made lagoon in the middle of town cos you can't swim in d sea here, goin 2hit dat bad boy this mornin, the place is kinda like a cross between wildwood and tramore, real seaside kinda place. we went to a place called the pier bar, kinda the d4 place in town, very comfy couches and pool tables and lots of glass on the walls, like a place mel gibson would wreck in lethal weapon :lol: after there we said we'd call back to the wool shed for one, ten stellas and a wet tee shirt comp later, we headed home via the hot dog stand and passed out with jet lag.

goin to be doing some tours in the next few days, goin to the barrier reef for a bit of snorkelling and white water rafting (i think), should be good. off now to find the cairns version of a superquinn breakfast roll 8)

I'm not even supposed to be here today.

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