news flash from downunder,
whether you loved him or hated him, Steve Irwin aka, the Crocodile Hunter was killed yesterday in a freak singwray accident. The poor lad was speared through the heart by the brab that is in the tale of the stingwray. This has only ever happened twice before in australian history, so really strange. He was apparently swiming over the wray when it happened. Experts say that the wray ( wrays are normally very gentle) must have felt threated and reacted by swinging its tale and spearing him through the heart. You may already know but there's the details its all over our news at the moment. Oh his death was caught on tape as well, as they were filming a doco at the time. The police have it i dought it will ever be seen by the public, pretty scary shit. There ya go.
One more thing, UP THE CATS, FECK CORK!