Hello everyone!
I just feel it is my duty to inform you all of the demise of James Phelan! Last night, himself and Beano decided to go for a few sociable drinks after work, nothing wrong with that I hear you all say, it was the aftermath was the problem! Beano decided to go to McDonalds for a feed and Jim said he'd mosey on home.
Jump to 20 mins or so later - Im sitting watching tv when I hear a rumbling coming from the hall at the front door. As I look out the spyhole I can see a body on the ground. As I open the door Im met with the sight of Jim asleep on the floor, snoring to the high heavens and rambling away to himself! For some reason he thought it a much better idea to sleep in the corridor!
Then Beano came home and my make-up bag was brought into the picture! As you can see from the pictures, it was a funny sight! Anyway, my work here is done!
See ya!
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